Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I don't like the word resolution.

"Today is the first page of a 365 page book." A quote I love hearing on the first day of 2014. I know there are so many people that start New Years Resolutions on this day. I just heard on the Today show that by January 17th, most people will have stopped their resolutions. I don't want to be one of those people so I am going to call them goals instead of resolutions. Each year I set a "resolution" and never seem to follow through with it. Will this year be different? I don't know, but it is worth a try. I started a blog last year about our wedding, but seeing as it was a New Years resolution, it never was completed. One of my goals this year is to continue this blog throughout 2014 by blogging once a week. Let's be realistic about this. I know I can't blog every day, but I think I can manage once a week.

As Jeff and I rang in the New Year last night, we were talking about our goals. Obviously the goal that everyone has is to get healthy - workout, lose weight, etc. That is one of our goals but I want to label it as be healthy. I think when we focus on "lose weight", there can be a negative connotation to that. It is a huge part of the goal but my biggest focus will be to get to the gym at least 3 times a week and make better choices about what we eat. It's all about choices!

While having two weeks off for winter break, I have had some time to reflect on the first part of the school year. I feel as though I have rushed through everyday in the classroom and want to make a goal of putting in more effort in my job. I do put in effort but I want to put in more effort - creating new projects, really get to know my students as individuals, and enjoy my job (I do enjoy it most of the time).

After our wedding, I found that I don't have any hobbies that I can call my own. My goal for this year is to find something that I can call a hobby. Something that is just mine, not something I share with Jeff.

It sounds like I have a lot of ambition to reach all of these goals this year. Taking it little by little, I think I can accomplish my 4 goals:
    1. Blog
    2. Be healthy
    3. Put in more effort at work
    4. Find a hobby

It's going to be a challenge but I have no excuses as to why it can't be done.

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