Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Being a homeowner is a lot of work!

In April of 2013, Jeff and I purchased our first house. We had been living in an apartment and decided it was time to but a house before we got married. We found a house that had been newly "remodeled" and knew it was the house for us. Little did we know that the "newly remodeled" look was hiding the poor job the remodelers did. Don't get me wrong, we still love our house but we have put some work into it and it still needs a lot of work. The company we bought it from had bought the house in foreclosure and flipped it in 3-4 months.

We bought the house in April so there was still snow on the ground. This is what the house looked like the day we bought it:

As the snow began to melt, we realized that it had been hiding a lot of things. This is what we found UNDER the snow:

 It seemed as though no one had raked the lawn in ages and there was glass all over the yard and under the front picture window. Apparently when flipping a house, it is ok to break out the picture window to take it out and then leave the glass all over the ground? I didn't know that! Maybe I should try it some time.

We also had the nasty pine tree right in front of the door which was ready to fall/lean on the house. After many hours shoveling rock in the front yard and getting the pine tree removed, we were finally able to put new grass in parts of the lawn! Before we hit fall and winter this year, I was able to snap a quick pic.

We still have many projects to continue working on. We are currently focusing on things inside the house, for example refinishing the basement that had been finished. How does that happen you might ask? Well, let me tell you. The basement was finished when we bought the house. After a few rainstorms, we found water in the basement. One day, Jeff and some of his friends decided to take down to wall to see if they could find where the water was coming in. We hopefully found the spot and with the help of new gutters, should be good to go this spring when the snow melts. Jeff has been working hard with our neighbor (who is AWESOME at house projects, thankfully) on putting up some drywall and sanding the basement. We started repainting the basement and should be finished with it soon!

I could tell you about so many more house projects that we have worked on over the last 10 months that we have owned the house. There will also obviously be plenty more projects to share! My goal is not for this blog to only be about house projects but since that is what we spend a lot of our time on, I figured I should blog about it and share some things.

Thanks for staying tuned to Poolspective!